God Is Real Even To Unbeliever

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

-Colossians 3:16

In my life, I had liked worship and spiritual songs first before Christ. I don’t believe in God before but the only thing I don’t understand is why I really like singing Christian songs. I love music as this is part of my life and the fact that I don’t understand is the power of spiritual songs. Every time I play and sing godly songs I feel serenity, happy and encouraged in life which I can’t explain. I feel different things with the song and even I keep convincing myself before that God is not real, the song let me feel He is. Not with the lyrics as an unbeliever the word “Hallelujah” doesn’t matter to me. But the melody, and everything in music, God moved within me.

I know my insight seems not directly for the verse this day but upon seeing spiritual songs, that is the first thing always come to my mind as this is my prove that God is real even to me that I’m not believing to Him before.

I was wronged when I thought of God only for those who believe Him. Like you need faith to please Him, for Him to give you favor. But yes His grace is sufficient to all of us.

4 thoughts on “God Is Real Even To Unbeliever

  1. True that! I have a close friend, whose journey of faith I have witnessed. He was born in a Protestant family and is still unbaptized. He had become agnostic for years. Then slowly came to believe in the existence of God, but not the True God.


    1. ( continuing comment) He hated Bible above all. I am not sure what are his view now. But recently he told me that he does believe in God, the Holy Trinity! It was a moment of great joy for me. He will also get baptised in a year. I am sure our loving Holy God will infuse great faith in him to come to the complete Truth.

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  2. This is in response to the above reply:
    True, the Lord can move and draw us through inspirational song and music; however let us not forget that He (Jesus) is the Way the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the father but by the son and no man cometh to the son least he be drawn by the father. Jesus is the bread of life He and the word are one. Eat of His bread and drink of His spirit and live forever. How do we eat of His bread? We read his word. The first chapter of St. John says the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.God through grace gave his heart, His only begotten son, that through him we are given the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Through God’s grace and accepting his son we have the opportunity to become one of his children. In Ephesians ch. 4:5 it states there is,”one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. so (1) we accept Jesus as Lord, (2) by faith do we walk and seek Him with All of our heart, with All of our minds, and with All of our souls. (3) It is through that striving to be on the straight and narrow and in search for Truth that the Lord which sits to the right of the Almighty sees our continual efforts to want to Know and serve him. We then receive his gift, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is a Burning Bush experience. It is a time that you can say I now Know in whom I once believed. You are then no longer a believer. You know that you know that you know. You can now say I KNOW there is a God. I now “KNOW” Jesus Christ the son of the living God. So yes you can be drawn by the Holy Spirit in music, He will do what ever it takes to draw one unto Him. There is no short cut to knowing Him and growing in His Spirit but there is a fast lane and that is, in reading the bible for your self ( the word of the living God to us.) It is the fastest way to the baptism of His Holy Spirit within us. So it is 1- Believing, Accepting, and Repentance, 2- The faith walk, and 3- the Baptism. Vary rarely does one receive all three at once! Think of it this way; In John 20:22 It says Jesus breathed the Holy Ghost on them.(his disciples) again ON them. Then in Acts 1: 4- He told them to tarry in Jerusalem and Wait for the promise of the Father. 5- For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. So Jesus first breathed the Holy Ghost ON them but later they Received the Holy Ghost Within them. Why did Jesus Breath on them? Because they needed the strength and faith to believe until they received the Power from on High. Why? Because Satan would be coming at them full force to try and prevent them from receiving the promise. That was their faith walk. Just as when you ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life, and you are sincere within your heart then you too receive the Holy Spirit. He walks with you, He convicts you of your sin and enables you to strive toward receiving the promise, just as the disciples. This is why so many miss the mark. Because they have been lied to in saying that; when they ask Jesus to be the Lord of their lives that they are saved and have received the Holy Spirit. Just as in the garden of Eden, Satan told them the truth and a lie. One does receive the Holy Spirit, but only With Them, He is not With-In them in the beginning; and because He is now walking with them they can get goose bumps while a song is being played or one is sharing Jesus, so they believe they have all that there is for them when in fact they do not. They have fallen short of what the Almighty wants them to have. Many be called but few are chosen.Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it. Why? He tells us in the very next verse. Matthew Ch. 7: 15 – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. They through their doctrines of men have deluded the word of God and made it ineffectual. In 1John Ch. 2:27 It says that we do not need any MAN to teach us but the anointing which we have received would teach us all things and is truth and is no lie. So, we have the written word and can read for ourselves therefore we are without excuse. Matthew Ch7: 22 -There will be many in that day that argue with the Lord as to what they have done for Him; and He tells them to depart from him because He never knew them. Why did they argue and present their case? Because they truly believed they were saved and doing the will of the Father; just as Saul before he was called Paul believed he was doing the will of God by killing the Christians. There is a difference in Believing and Knowing.


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